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The goal of naturopathy and naturopathic medicine is to treat the cause of the illness and to regain optimal health for the individual as naturally as possible.

At Elixir and Life, Deanne will work with you to not only alleviate symptoms of disease but to create vitality, energy, and a feeling of wellbeing and to teach you how to maintain good health going forward.  Naturopathic medicines are prescribed to regain balance within the body and to work with the body’s own healing abilities. Lifestyle and nutritional recommendations may also be provided in addition to the remedies prescribed.

Deanne uses her naturopathic understanding and knowledge to analyse her client’s health needs through a thorough diagnostic process which involves asking specific naturopathicaly trained questions, assessing signs and symptoms, alongside specific comprehensive testing when needed. A treatment plan is then provided.

naturopath holland park - naturopathy benefits brisbane

Deanne has been a naturopath for 13 years and in this time has had exposure to having the opportunity to assist in the healing process of many health conditions. Essentially she is a General Practitioner of Natural Medicine and loves to be continually learning in her field. During this time she has also developed areas of passion and special interest, where she is an industry expert.

A naturopathic way of living will result in the potential for less health issues throughout life. The naturopathic philosophy is that one thing going on in the body affects many other things occurring in the body.  Everything is interconnected.  At Elixir and Life, the naturopathic understanding is to understand this bigger picture and to be able to bring the whole system in to balance.


“Naturopathic understanding is to understand this bigger picture and to be able to bring the whole system in to balance.”

Mental Health & Stress

She is well known in the Body Psychotherapy industry of Brisbane and Australia as the naturopath to assist with stress and mental health.  She offers many years of experience with rewarding and positive results.  Her experience in assisting  stress and mental health combines naturopathic and body psychotherapy trainings. Along side these clinical skills she is able to bring her own personal history of stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression and exhaustion.  Deanne is uniquely qualified to assist people in moving forward to experience life in a different way, providing relief from symptoms naturally.

  • Stress
  • Adrenal Exhaustion
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyaligia
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks
  • Depression
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Neurotransmitter imbalance and correction
  • Pyrrole


Hormonal Health & Female Health

Deanne loves working with hormonal issues and female health. Optimal hormonal functioning involves multiple interactions and reactions requiring many nutrients at different stages to work properly.  Herbs are used medicinally to repair, heal and moderate. Deanne’s philosophy is to correct these deficiency and encourage the body to make the right amount of hormones needed and re-gain health and balance.  All hormones inter-connect in the body and can affect each other such as when longterm stress results in thyroid issues.  Hormonal health problems that we treat regularly at Elixir & Life are listed below.

  • Premenstraul Tension
  • Hormonal Acne
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Heavy Bleeding
  • Period Pain

  • Menopausal Symptoms
  • Testosterone imbalances in both men and women
  • Thyroid under active or over active
  • Adrenal Exhaustion
  • Blood Sugar Issues & Diabetes

Digestion & Detoxification

Traditional naturopathic belief is that when the GUT health is unwell and out of balance it will affect everything else and that to be in great health the whole digestive system and it’s processes must be healthy and functioning well.

If you have poor digestion you become nutrient depleted due to poor absorption. These nutritional deficiencies can then lead to multiple problems.

If your GUT has become more permeable or leaky, known as ‘leaky gut’ undigested particles of food or toxins will be getting absorbed rather than being digested properly or eliminated. This situation occurring can manifest as food sensitivities, allergies, bloating or  constipation.  Because the intestinal wall is more permeable it means things that would normally be eliminated are absorbed more readily such as toxins, heavy metals and by-products such as oestrogen. There is a strong connection between Leaky Gut and many health diseases and feeling generally unwell.

You may have heard of the Gut Ecology or our natural bacterial Biome, this often occurs in correlation with Leaky Gut or on its own.  YES this is of such importance for good health to be a happy healthy balance of the right environment. Testing in the form of specialised stool samples from specific laboratories can be used to correctly diagnose overgrowths of parasites, yeast, candida, bacteria or an imbalance or low levels of certain good bacterias. Treatment can then be specifically targeted.

Other digestive issues can also exist and  investigations through specialised questioning and naturopathic knowledge can pinpoint why your digestive symptoms are causing you problems.

  • Indigestion
  • Reflux
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal spasm and pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Food Sensitivities
  • IBS
  • Suspected or Confirmed intestinal pathogens
  • Candida

Detoxification programs are offered and suggested when appropriate at Elixir & Life.  The organs of elimination include the liver, bowel, lungs, skin and kidneys.  Gentle detoxification programs are designed and used to assist elimination of excess toxins in the form of pathogens, by-product, heavy metals, excess hormones, histamine, persistant pollutants and chemicals. Most people benefit from a detox every so often. We are all exposed to toxins in western society.  When people are stressed or in poor health the body will accumulate toxins more readily and find it difficult to eliminate them efficiently resulting in a toxic overloaded system that feels sluggish and unwell.  It is not a question of if but of how much.

Signs that you will feel better from a detoxification program are feeling sluggish, tired, bad breath, difficulty loosing weight, sensitive to smells such as petrol or perfume, headaches, poor memory or difficulty concentrating.  Regular consumption of toxins such as smocking, alcohol, coffee, junk food, processed foods, longterm high stress, medication or recreational drug use, also exposure to work pollutants such as hair dye and  chemicals suggest detoxification can assist your health.

Detoxification programs may also be used to assist in re-balancing excess oestrogen health issues alongside a  Gut Repair program.  Oestrogen dominant conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids or post reproductive cancer will all find this beneficial.  

Immunity Acute & Chronic

Conditions such as acute colds and flus are treated regularly at Elixir & Life, by encouraging your own immunity to strengthen and heal, your own immune system becomes stronger going forward. If you can use nutrients and herbs to prevent or heal colds and flus you can often avoid antibiotics and the side affects that go with antibiotics such as the affect on healthy Gut flora and becoming antibiotic resistant.

It is a naturopathic belief to get a cold or flu once a year is a way the body cleanses but if you are becoming sick more easily or more often and taking a long time to recover then your immunity is weakened and can be strengthened.

Post viral syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome usually occur when people are under longterm stress and become immune weakened.  Serious viral infections such as glandular fever, ross river fever and Lyme’s Disease result in people feeling like they have never really recovered from the original infection.  Serious viruses in a vulnerable person can leave them exhausted, immune depleted and constantly getting sick.  Naturopathic medicine is able to assist expediently in returning to good health. These conditions affect multiple systems of the body and this is one of the reasons naturopathic medicine offers answers.  By building immunity,  and supporting energy pathways you will have greater energy, fight infections, resume a normal life and recover faster.

Allergies such as hayfever, asthma, eczema, sinus, and food sensitivities are a dysfunction of the immune system and digestive systems and can be assisted naturally.


Naturopathy and Nutrition are very affective support for cancer patients. However Deanne does not specialise in supporting patient during cancer treatment. the reason for this is that Deanne believes cancer patients should see a Naturopath who has a great deal of experience in this area. Deanne has chosen to dedicate her practice to other area’s of passion. She does assist patient post cancer to repair the system of the body that have been affected by medical treatment as well as address correcting the underlying reasons cancer has occurred.

For cancer patients she recommends:

  • Manuella
  • Katrina Ellis
  • Janeth Schol


Pregnancy care and support is an area that has a major impact on a women’s health and the babies health and a time where special care is needed. After completing additional studies in pregnancy care Elixir & Life offers a specialised Pregnancy Program. Elixir & Life website has a special page dedicated to helping you understand the assistance we can offer you and your baby before, during and after pregnancy.

Naturopathic consultations include herbal medicine and nutrition.

Initial Naturopathic Consultation 60-90 mins$145.00

In-depth assessment of your health through naturopathically trained questioning and looking at signs and symptoms.  Blood test and alternative pathology may be recommended. A treatment plan is given.


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Naturopathic & Body Psychotherapy Combined Follow Ups 90-105 min$160.00-$180.00

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Naturopathic Follow Up 60 min$115.00

Following up on how you are responding to current treatment plan.  Further guidance on diet and lifestyle. Understanding the real cause of health issues and correcting these.  Reviewing test results and how these correlate to your state of health.

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Naturopathic Follow Up 45 mins$80.00

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Naturopathic Cold & Flu Consult 15-30 mins$50.00

Consultations for acute infections. Naturopathically trained questioning and assessment of signs and symptoms. Individualised herbal preparation that is natural, safe and highly effective.

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Cost $60
Elixir & Life’s

Winter Wellness Special

Worried about colds and flu’s this winter? Boost your immunity and fight off colds & Flu’s fast with a herbal remedy from Elixir and Life. Our Winter Wellness special includes a consultation, and a herbal remedy custom made for your cold & flu symptoms.

Health rebates available